July 1, 1906 – It is the first day of July & fast Sunday
we fasted all day spent most of the day resting and walking I walked down to the ice plant with Bro Payne
after supper we had ice cream Elder
Bishop took a stroll to East Radford we
went and laid down on some grass next to the RR tract and talked about our past
July 2, 1906 – It is a beautiful morning I have been down to the Store to get me a
pair of shoes I had to go to the East
end to get them. I got me a good pair
3.50 After dinner we went canvassing in
the West end I sold a book of moron we had a good time we went to the post some
letters after supper When we came back
we found Pres Broadbent and too other Elders
we was glad to see them Elder Bishop & another Elder went over to
Sister Waddell.
July 3, 1906 – It looks very much like storm Pres Broadbent
Whitney & I done some writing before breakfast Elders Bishop & Bours
came over from sister Wadell we all talked & went down to see them off it
started to raining it rained very hard
We went to Bro Furrows & ate our dinner about 4 oclock I went and got the paper & some
tracts. We canvass a little while give
away 20 tracts spent night sister Payne
July 4, 1906 – Ha Ha Ha – All Happy Dead broke To day is the fourth of July it is a very
nice day. We had to go to the train to meet Pres Broadbent he did not come. We went up to Bro Furrows and got our dinner
than took a walk out to the fair grounds there was very large crowd of people
there. There were some horse races &
pacing races We left there about 4
oclock to go to East R. we got our
mail. I was glad to here form home. There was a negro show and a few fites on
hand. We was bot broke so we did not
spend much we had a good time any way seeing the sites There was a good many hundred people out.
July 5, 1906 – It is the day after the fourth & a lovely
day we are feeling fine after the big
time we had. Pres Broadbent came about
11 oclock we met him with his grip. He
bid us good-bye for he was going to Ohio to labor on the 20th. Elder Bishop got his money from the
office. We went out in the after noon
& canvass a few houses stopped with Bro. Furrows.
July 6, 1906 – It is very cloudy this morning looks very
much like storm. We went down to the
West and end to see a lady about some money for a book & she was not at
home we came back & stopped a little
while with sister J. Payne. & paid her for our Board it cost us 1.00 a
piece for a week. We came back to Bro
Furrows & after dinner we went out to canvass a little while we gave 59 tracts
away. In the evening we went to a
Sanktafied meeting They prayed about a
dozen times We got back about 9:30.
July 7, 1906 – It looks very much like storm this
morning I walked down to the RR yard
where Bro Furrows boys working. Came
back Elder Bishop had gone to the Christianburg to see if could canvass it. I
gave out 24 tracts & had some good talks on religion Elder bishop & I met at Bro Furrows. He got the privilege to canvass
July 8, 1906 – Today is Sunday it is a very nice day we held
a meeting about 10:30 in the morning & had a very good time Bro &
Sister Furrows was the audience. We had
the Sacrament passed around. Elder
Bishop & I spoke a short time each.
Had some good talks on religion explaining the principles of the
gospel Attended a Sanklified meeting.
July 9, 1906 – The nights are a little cold we have about
got Radford canvass. We took a bath in
the morning. In the afternoon we went
& canvassed a little while give away 42 tracts I met up with two who was
very predicust [prejudice] I had some good talks on religion
July 10, 1906 – We are very near through with Radford we
spent the A.M. in reading I P.M. we went 7 finished canvass We will leave for Christiansburg tomorrow I
went out to one of our friends to see her about a Book of Mormon her husband
did not want her to keep it but she said she wanted it. I left it with her she said she would send
the money. I came back to Bro Furrow and
spent the last night for a while.
July 11, 1906 – We was intending to go to Christainburg our
mail did not get in we was compelled to stay we spent the night with Sister
Payne reading and studying most of the day.
July 12, 1906 – We bid out saints & friend good-by at
Sister Payne & went down to the P.O. I got 3 letters and they were the
welcomest letters I ever got in my life.
I read & it said I had got a little baby sister & folks was doing fine I was the happiest
boy in Va. After dinner we left Bro. Furrow
for Christianburg stopped to the Hotel.
July 13, 1906 – We started on Christianburg this morning
worked hard all day & had good success had many good talks on religion give
away 117 tracts I give 56 and at night I was very tired at night my hip was
very tired.
July 14, 1906 – We finished Christianburg this morning &
Cambria We decided to go & see Bro
Meacham we road in the train to Shawsville & walked the rest of the way we
came to a small river and took a bath then laid down on the grass & took a
small nap. We got to Bro Meacham about
4:30 in the afternoon. I went up to the
orchard & ate a lot of peaches We stayed up talking on religion until 11
July 15, 1906 – Today is Sunday we are having a long talk on religion Bro Meacham is very interested in the Elders
& our doctrine it rained most all
day in the afternoon Bro Meacham & I went up to the orchard & got a
bucket of peaches. We held a meeting in
the evening & had a very enjoyable
July 16, 1906 – We left Bro. Meacham for Blacksburg we came
to one of the Elders friends and ate dinner with them then we started on our
way we walked a little while and laid down to rest while we was there 6
freights came by it was a site to see one right behind another We tried to stop
but we was not successful we went to bed with Uncle Sam under a large apple
July 17, 1906 – We got up feeling a little tough but we was
happy we got to refresh before we got breakfast our bed was little hard I the
shade of the old apple tree we did not feel very good all day we got to Blacksburg in the afternoon &
stopped to the Hotel: we were so sleepy
we could hardly hold our eyes open went to bed about half past seven.
July 18, 1906 – We canvass Blacksburg 7 started for
Radford. We walked about 8 miles and
stopped with a nice old gentleman he treated us fine. The Blackberry are getting ripe. & I have
a feast every day At night we ate some apples & talked on religion some.
July 19, 1906 – We started for East Radford & got their
about noon Bro. Furrow was sleep after dinner we went down to the P.O. to get
our mail I did not get a letter from home only one from James he was well I
wondered what was the matter at home they had forgotten their boy awful
quick. But I thought they must be all
right are I would of head from them I am enjoying my labors fine only I cant
walk very well stopped with Bro Furrow
July 20, 1906 – We got up just as Bro Furrow came in from
work about ten oclock we went up to Sister Payne. We wrote a few letters I went to post them
& brought me two pair of socks. Elder
Bishop & I had a long talk on religion.
It rained very hard in the first part of the night. We stopped with Sister Payne.
July 21, 1906 – We left Sister Payne & went out to
Sister Frost we ate dinner & talk on
religion Sister Frost said she was firm & would never change we bid them
good by & went over to Sister Waddell & spent the night. we sang some songs & enjoyed our selves
very well. It rained very hard during
the day.
July 22, 1906 – today is very nice. We got up feeling fine & enjoyed a good
nights rest spent the morning & took dinner with Sister Waddell bid her good-by & went out to Sister
Payne. After supper we talked some on
religion I went to bed & left them
talking Elder Bishop was very sick most all night & did not rest very much.
July 23, 1906 – We got up this morning & every thing
looked very nice. Elder Bishop was not very well. We bid all the folks good by in Radford and
started on our way for Lee Co. We did
not stop for dinner got to Bro Duncan about five oclock. He had a meeting appointed for us we had a
very good time Bro. Duncan treated us fine had a very good time.
July 24, 1906 – We came to little river and pulled off our
shoes & stockings & wadded across
We walked until one oclock and got a can of oyster & some
crackers we walked until it started to
rain very hard it was only about 2 miles
to Bro Ayers we had a good nights sleep and enjoyed our selves fine.
July 25, 1906 – We are going to Bro Ayers today it is not
far we got there about 10 oclock. They were all glad to see us. I had my old complaint & was a little
lame. Bro Ayers was all well. We had many good talk on religion
July 26, 1906 – We bid Bro Ayers folks all good by &
left for Bro Marshell Elder Bishop got him a pair of shoes at their store we
got to Bro J. H. Marshall’s in the afternoon & he was over to the store
came back about 8 oclock he was glad to see us it rained most of the night.
July 27, 1906 – We went down to another Bro Marshall’s &
spent the day & night we did not get our mail. We had many good talks on religion in the
evening we held a meeting and had a very good meeting it rained most of the
July 28, 1906 – We went to Uncle A.S. March 7 held a meeting
& had a very good time we spent the night there it rained some we got up
feeling very good it was a little foggy
We had several gospel talks we got our mail & we was to stay here and canvass this
July 29, 1906 – Today is Sunday we are going to hold meeting the School house
we went down to Hesicah & he went with us.
We had a very good meeting. A
large crowd was there & paid good attention in the evening we held another
July 30, 1906 – We was going to leave for Grayson Co to see
some of our saints but we did not here from Elder Stone to know how much of the
Co was to be canvass. We wrote some
letters on a typewriter & some songs.
We had some talks on religion.
July 31, 1906 – We left Bro Marshall to go to Frico for our
mail we could not get any dinner so we got a can of Tomatoes. We walked about 12 miles * stopped with a
hard shell Baptist. Elder Bishop & him
had some pretty bad agreement. It
started to rain in the evening and rained very hard.
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